
We want to support your business and help you grow. We take no ownership or equity in your company. We only want to see you succeed.

Entrepreneurial women present their business plan, product, or service to a SparkleBIZ panel. If selected, SparkleBIZ will work with you to help propel your business to the next level. Based on the guidelines we determine and program we build out, we can potentially fast track your business focus and profit.

If you and your business qualify, please apply below. Your application will then undergo an underwriting review. After which you will be invited in to pitch to a SparkleBIZ panel. Selected businesses will be assigned a SparkleBIZ board and the agreed upon funds will be directed. Then the fun begins! We will work with you to grow your business, expand your brand, and meet your goals. Within 18-36 months, as determined by the terms in your agreement, you will pay back your loan. It is as simple as that.


The Funding Process



Applicant applies online.


Applicant goes through underwriting review.


Applicant progresses to present to a panel.


Successful applicant is assigned board.


Funds are allocated to the recipient.


Loan is paid back through with agreed terms.



Qualified and selected business owners and entrepreneurs will receive $5-15k interest-free loans due in 18-36 months and will also have access to a panel of industry-specific professionals who will guide them in decision making, help implement best practices, and act as a sounding board during critical moments in business.


Program opens March 1, 2021