Looking for more information? Please see our frequently asked questions below, alternatively feel free to get in touch via our contact page here.


How does SparkleBIZ work with the Sparkle Foundation?

SparkleBIZ falls under the “resources” arm of the Sparkle Foundation mission.

How can you provide loans to only single mothers?

Sparkle is able to lend and receive loan payments and focus on single mothers without discrimination being an issue.

What type of loan is provided?

This will be a “promissory note”/contract.

If I invest in SparkleBIZ and these businesses, is it tax deductible?

Our 501(c)(3) status allows for a full tax donation for any grants/donations received.

Is a credit check required?

SparkleBIZ will ask applicants to submit a credit report vs. credit check.

What type of businesses is SparkleBiz currently seeking?

SparkleBIZ is open to a wide variety of women-owned businesses. We are not currently supporting multi-level (pyramid) or franchise endeavors as well as businesses with political or religious affiliations.

Will Sparkle retain an interest in my business?

No. SparkleBIZ will retain no ownership in any of the businesses that we support/mentor.

Who is on the Advisory Panel?

The Advisory Panel is comprised of a wide range of people who are experts in their field. SparkleBIZ will match up appropriate mentors and businesses. The credentials of advisors are screened and they are committed to meeting up with their candidate a minimum of one time per month.